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‘Eddie’s Book Of Idioms’ and conversations about the future of The Eddie Series 🥳

The last post was around 2 months ago, that isn’t too bad! I am no blogger, but that is proof I’ve been working on some great projects and busy with my boys.

Tonight, I read Eddie’s Book Of Idioms to my children. Not the PDFs on my laptop they are part of the furniture, but the actual book! They were rolling around belly laughing and being cheeky, they learned some new idioms which sparked off conversations of others too! Now - that is serious proof that the energy you put into your work will present itself the other end! I had the best fun making this book and the boys loved adding to it along the way! It’s now live on #Amazon and I’m hoping others love it too. If I can help bring understanding and laughter to someone, theres not enough words to describe how heartwarming that is. 🥰

Recently, I’ve been talking to producers in regards to animation! Obviously I would love to see Eddie and his lovely friends on screen, but having a broader representation of autistic characters accross programming is so important. Everyone is different and has different needs, personalities and strengths. These things can take a long time, it’s a lot of hard work, but that’s good, they deserve the care and nurture because it will shine through to those watching. I will keep my blog updated on this when I know more one day.

For those now reading Eddie’s Book of Idioms I really hope you enjoy it. Now on to my next little story and everything else I need to get done this week!

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