If you’re looking for a good critic - just check in with your kids! I’m not referring to ’Mum..you like a hippo’ in the changing rooms, I’m talking your work is rubbish & that’s not even funny. 👍 My son has the best sense of humour, and if you need someone to tell you,that you look daft or rough before leaving the house..he will rise to the opportunity!
Previously, I had started a book before, I read the first paragraph to him, and I got “gosh this long” , “are you done yet, not to be mean.. but it’s not that good.“ In fact, reading it out loud, I felt the same so it got binned. But, last night I read some of my lastest novel, the one I am so excited creating, that runs alongside the Eddie collection, I love, love writing this one, it’s takes me on a magical journey with lots of humour! He was cracking up laughing, tripping over his ideas to add input too. Oh it was marvellous. It takes a lot for my son to get into a book, it has to be of interest and or humour. I have to write with gripping excitement! This is so him and I. It’s the best feeling ever for him to read it and love it. Their thoughts are super important to me, but he felt the magic like I did! Eddie series illustrations are coming on beautifully too! I’m not sure I’ll have this one ready in time for Xmas. I may release it to test the waters with my followers. It’s very festive, extremely informative and eye opening, helping readers understand the challenges for autistic people at Christmas and how we can show empathy and help. Also wonderful for the child to relate to and become aware of some of the reasons why they’re feeling frustrated, that it’s okay to feel whatever they feel, and they are supported regardless. Also, getting on with revisions this week and the next chapter in my story. Getting ready for 2021!

I just can’t help but feel excited for next year - will update more on that as I get it. 💖